Delivery & Returns FAQ

Shipping prices are based on weight of package and destination.(Add product/s to cart and enter shipping destination zip code at checkout page)

More than 90% of orders placed before 3PM local time ship the same business day. Almost every remaining orders ship the following day. You will receive an email from Nutrition Tech if there is an unforeseen delay that may cause your order to arrive later than expected.

Please note that all transit times are listed in business days, exclusions are Saturdays, Sundays, and most holidays. If shipment is late and you determine there is an issue with the delivery, we advise you to contact us via email. We will investigate the inquiry and respond in within 24 hours in most cases. Within the Contiguous 48 States:


Domestic 48 states shipping:

Do you deliver to P.O. Boxes?: Yes!

If your delivery address is a United States P.O. Box, your order will be sent via USPS Priority Mail. YOU MUST SELECT USPS PRIORITY MAIL AS YOUR SHIPPING OPTION OR YOUR ORDER WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Priority Mail usually arrives within 1-3 business days. Actual shipping charges will be calculated on the shopping cart page and depend on distance and weight of the order. Please note that because UPS cannot deliver to P.O. boxes, shipping rates may be more expensive. Having your order sent to a place that accepts both UPS and US Postal Service is recommended if you wish to keep your shipping costs low.

Do you deliver to APO/FPO Military Addresses?

Yes, Shipping charges for each carrier will be displayed on your cart page once you select a ship-to country. We are currently shipping only to select countries. If the country you would like the products shipped to is not listed, your best option is to have them shipped to a friend or relative within the United States that can forward the package to you once they receive it. A complete list of valid countries is available in the scroll box on the shopping cart page. We will write the actual value of your order on the customs form attached to the box. Any customs, import duties, or additional taxes must be paid by the recipient. has no control over these charges.

Please Note:

We encourage you to call your customs office to find out the exact import taxes or duties you will need to pay before you place your order. Please note that some nutritional supplements may not be allowed into your country. will not issue refunds for orders that are denied entry through customs. You are responsible for checking the customs regulations in your country before placing any orders with us. Please note that Nutrition Tech’s posted processing time does not apply for International orders. Because of special regulations that apply only to International orders, you may experience a 1-3 day delay in processing your order. If you are using a credit card that was issued by a foreign bank, you may be required to fax or email credit card documentation after your order is placed. Please understand that we ask for this documentation as a security measure to insure your credit card security. You will only be asked to provide this information on your initial order.

Return Policy:

Nutrition Tech is a trademark of Supplement Tech Llc 1998 – 2018. All rights reserved.

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